Thursday, January 21, 2010

I caved

Ok, let's get the ugly truth out of the way real fast. I caved and saw Art Guy (AG) the other night. On the plus side--I held out for more than a month, and 20 days into the new year. On the negative side--well, how much time do you have?

I'm not going into the gory details but suffice it to say that this little fall off the wagon has prompted me to sign up for, damned the torpedos..full steam ahead.

Can I afford the silly monthly membership fee? No, of course not. Can I afford to have no potential suitors and thus open myself up to feeling hopeless and seeing Mr. Wrong again? Hellz no. So yeah, I ponied up and have started browsing page after page of men who have made it past my stringent search criteria (35-48 years old, literate, no convictions, etc).

It's not a pretty sight.

Most of the guys look like they've been around the block a few times and I'd venture to guess, they have. Nevertheless, I am being proactive (yay me) and putting myself "out there" (wondering how many cliches I can squeeze into one post) until I no doubt throw my hands up in disgust.

Now, now, dear reader--I know what you are thinking: "Stop being so negative, Sach!" Agreed. I shall temporarily don rose-colored glasses and let the adventure continue.


  1. Yeah, glad to hear it! = entertainment for you and us!

  2. Wow. Girl, you've got your guns blazin' (vs your Tim Gunn's)Be proactive---like force yourself to email 5 guys a week.
